3 Surprising Reasons You’re Not Losing Weight

Figuring out what to do at the gym and what type of eating approach works best for you can be difficult and stressful. With so much conflicting information out there, it’s no surprise that reaching your weight loss goals is a big challenge. 

There’s a good chance that you’ve tried different workout classes and a variety of diets, but you’ve gotten frustrated by your lack of progress despite your efforts.

After spending the last decade helping busy professionals turn back the clock to look and feel years younger, we’ve found that there are a few common “mistakes” that hold people back from looking and feeling their best.


As an example, a mother in her early 30’s recently came to our personal training center because she desperately needed help losing the weight that she continued to gain after giving birth to her second child.

During her initial complimentary consultation, we reviewed her workout and nutrition routine and discovered three key things interfering with her ability to lose body fat and reshape her body:

1) Impaired Digestion

Constipation was an issue she’d been experiencing for years without resolution, leaving her feeling bloated and heavy.  She also suffered from chronic joint pain in her hands which was problematic since she is a massage therapist.  Once we put her on our 14 Day AUMazing Body food plan, which eliminates common food allergens, we were able to identify which foods inflame her and which foods optimize her energy.  The bloating, heaviness, and joint pain went away once she discovered that she has a sensitivity to gluten.  We also recommended that she begin taking a research-based probiotic to strengthen her digestive system and improve absorption of nutrients to boost her energy.

2) Imbalanced Blood Sugar

This busy mom had read that eating small, frequent meals throughout the day would boost her metabolism.  Sound familiar?  The problem: this is a myth.  In fact, eating too often can lead to chronically elevated blood sugar which can contribute to weight gain, not weight loss, Plus, she was chronically tired as her body constantly diverted energy to digestion.  By having her eat at specific time intervals, we improved the production of her body’s fat burning hormones while reducing her sugar cravings and improving her energy.

3) Excessive Cardio

Afraid of bulking up from strength training – the number 1 fear we dispel when ladies come to our center – this mother of two was doing long, boring sessions on the treadmill several times per week without seeing any visible changes in her body.  Once we taught her the importance of building lean, calorie-torching muscle to reboot her metabolism, we designed a personalized strength training program for her, and within 3 months, she lost over 30 pounds, shed inches off her waist, and began fitting into clothes she hadn’t worn since giving birth to her first child.


Everything changed for her when we began identifying the root cause of her stubborn weight gain and focusing on the right first steps to help her reboot her metabolism.  Without a personalized plan of action like this, there’s a good chance she would have continued to feel overwhelmed and frustrated by her lack of results.

If you’re interested in learning more about following the same approach that helped this busy mother ultimately drop more than 65 pounds in 6 months, call us at 774-222-2318 to schedule your complimentary fitness strategy session.

Our private personal training center is conveniently located at 332 Newbury St. in Boston’s Back Bay, within walking distance to the Prudential Center, Hynes Convention Center, and the Mass Pike.