Will Lifting Weights Make You Bulky? Here’s The Truth!

Will Lifting Weights Make You Bulky? Here’s The Truth!

Afraid that lifting weights will make your muscles bulk up?

Fear no more…we’ve got answers!

The most common concern that our personal trainers hear from our female clients when they first come to our personal training studio is their fear of getting bulky from lifting weights.

They’ve also been led to believe that the only way to lose weight is to do more and more cardio.

In this video, Boston personal trainer Nicole Steinberg addresses this popular topic and dispels common myths that prevent women from reaching their goals!

Our mission at AUM is to help all women, regardless of their age, size, fitness level, and background to embrace strength training and to celebrate the amazing things their body is capable of doing.

If you’d like to get started on your fitness journey, our Boston personal trainers are here to support you every step up the way!

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