The Best Glute Exercise You’ve Never Tried
The Best Glute Exercise You’ve Never Tried
If you’re looking to switch up your usual leg workouts and build a stronger butt, you’ll need to target all your glute muscles by working them from different angles.
This unique exercise called the Valslide Circular Lunge, courtesy of Boston personal trainer Nicole Steinberg, will challenge your glutes like never before.
Valslide Circular Lunge Instructions
1️⃣ Set up with your feet shoulder width apart and place one foot on a valslide.
2️⃣ Slide one foot laterally and sit back into your hip while keeping your feet flat on the floor.
3️⃣ Descend slowly until the thigh of your weight bearing leg is parallel to the floor.
4️⃣ Drive through the weight bearing leg, extend the knee, and pull the valslide through a full circle before pushing back to the starting position.
5️⃣ Repeat for the desired number of repetitions.
⭐️ Pro Tip
👉 Valslide Circular Lunges are a more advanced progression and should only be used once you’ve mastered the technique of other exercises such as the standard lateral lunge.
If you’re more advanced and looking to make the move more challenging, feel free to add weight by holding a dumbbell or kettlebell at chest height while doing the exercise.
Special Note: If you don’t have access to valslides, you can use a towel, or paper plates on a smooth surface such as a hardwood floor.
We hope this helps…
If you’ve been performing the same old workouts you’ve been doing since high school/college or you’re ready for a change, then you owe it to yourself to get on a program designed by expert personal trainers!
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