Are Your Hips and Lower Back Tight? Give THIS Mobility Exercise A Try!

Are Your Hips and Lower Back Tight? Give THIS Mobility Exercise A Try!

Many of us suffer from achy joints, back pain, and poor posture from long hours spent each day hunched over a computer.

This has become such a wide-spread problem that it is estimated as much as 80% of the population will suffer from low-back pain at some point during their lives.

The good news is that you can by combat this problem and reverse the effects of sitting with specific mobility exercises like the one Boston personal trainer Erika Zewiey demonstrates in this video, called the Spiderman (we prefer Spider-woman) Stretch.

What’s great about this exercise is that it simultaneously lengthens multiple muscle groups in both legs while also stretching the groin.

By open up all of the areas that become tight from sitting hunched over at our desks, this exercise will help release muscle tension and free your body up to move more efficiently.

Also, improving your mobility will help prevent injuries while also supporting strength gains in the gym.

Key Points:

  • Start in a high plank position with your hands directly under your shoulders

  • Bring your left foot up outside of left hand

  • Anchor your left foot with your hand and drive left knee outward to feel stretch in groin

  • Drive right knee into floor while squeezing your right glute to stretch back hip

  • Rotate left elbow toward the ceiling and exhale while feeling stretch in your left pectoral muscle

  • Return to starting position, rock back to child’s pose, exhale and repeat on right side

  • Do 5-6 reps per side


Remember to breathe deeply and move slowly as you don’t want rush through their mobility exercises.

Use this exercise as an opportunity to slow down and release tension to allow your body to move more freely, without restriction.

If you’d like to learn more and received personalized support in reaching your fitness goals, our Boston personal trainers are here to guide you every step of the way.

Complete our brief online form and one of our expert trainers will reach out to schedule your complimentary fitness consultation.

One-on-one personal training sessions are available at our Boston fitness studio, or in a virtual format.

We look forward to being of service to you!

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