Reduce Shoulder Stiffness and Discomfort With This Exercise

Reduce Shoulder Stiffness and Discomfort With This Exercise

Hours spent hunched over a computer can cause you to jut your neck and shoulders forward, throwing them out of alignment with your spine and causing strain and discomfort.

When your shoulders are tight, they keep you from moving freely throughout your daily life, as well as in your training.

The good news is that, by incorporating exercises like the one demonstrated by personal trainer Erika Zewiey in this video, you will really notice a difference in how open and mobile your upper body feels.

Our Boston personal trainers often add this exercise to our client’s dynamic warm-up to improve range of motion in the shoulders and upper back in preparation for the training session.

You can also do this at home several times per week at your convenience.

All you need is a foam roller and broomstick.

Give it a shot and let us know in the comments if you have any questions ⤵️

And, if you’re ready to start feeling and looking your best today, click this link and you’ll be set up with your own complimentary fitness consultation with one of our expert personal trainers.

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