How To Master The Split Squat: An AUMazing Lower-Body Exercise

How To Master The Split Squat: An AUMazing Lower-Body Exercise

Split squats have become an extremely popular exercise and for good reason as they strengthen all the major muscles of your legs while improving your balance, coordination, and mobility.

They’re also often done incorrectly as they are a deceptively challenging move to master.

Here are some key tips from our Boston personal training team for preventing injury while maximizing the benefits…

✅ Optimize your starting position: assume a semi-inline stride position with legs 3-4 feet apart, (the back and front foot should line up right next to each other) while keeping most of your weight on your front leg.

✅ Stay tall on the back foot by keeping the heel of the back leg up and parallel to the wall in back of you. Do not allow your body weight to sag onto the back leg as this places greater stress on your lower back.

✅ Use hip hinge mechanics with slight forward lean: maintain a natural torso lean onto the heel of your front leg. An overly upright torso position places excessive stress on your knees and lower back while minimizing work being done on your glutes and upper thighs.

✅ Keep your abdominal muscles contracted and lower down to 90 degree angles with both legs. Do not allow the front knee to drift forward (maintain a vertical front shin). Aim to drive your front knee outwards toward your pinkie toe.

✅ Make sure that you are moving straight up and dish without any forward or backward drift.

✅ Once at the bottom position, drive your front foot through the floor, extend your hips, and return to the starting position, squeezing the glutes of your front leg.

We hope this helps.

Have fun and tag a friend who’s looking to take their leg training to the next level.

Also, drop us some love and let us know in the comments what our next exercise tutorial should be.

-Coach Chris

P.S. If you’re looking for more guidance and would like to learn more about working one-on-one with one of our expert Boston personal trainers, send us a message and we’ll schedule a complimentary consultation at our private fitness center to discuss your goals:

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