Get Ready for This AUMazing Core and Leg Workout

Get Ready for This AUMazing Core and Leg Workout

“You don’t need lots of equipment or space to get stronger and fitter”
-Coach Chris

Training at home can be stressful, especially if you’re unsure sure how to build an effective workout with limited equipment and space.

To help you maximize your at-home workouts, Chris Carreiro -Boston personal trainer and founder of aum training center, shares some of his favorite exercises for strengthening your abs and glutes and legs with only a light dumbbell.

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Workout details: perform 3-4 sets of 40 second intervals.

Do the exercises as a circuit with 20-40 seconds rest in between exercises.

Beginners can rest longer between moves.

1️⃣ Squat Squats off Block (if you don’t have a block, do this exercise on the floor)

2️⃣ Dumbbell Discus Throws (40 sec each arm)

3️⃣ Alternating Deficit Reverse Lunges

4️⃣ Sit-up with Alternating Dumbbell Cross Jab

5️⃣ Dumbbell Leg Curls

Our Boston personal trainers guarantee these moves will work you in all the right places 🍑.

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