How To Optimize Your Workouts In Each Phase Of Your Menstrual Cycle

Monthly hormonal shifts can be used to your advantage

Monthly hormonal shifts can be used to your advantage

HEY LADIES… ever notice that your workout motivation and fitness performance is lower at certain times of the month?

This is because your menstrual cycle has a major impact on everything from your strength to even your metabolic rate.

Over the past decade, our Boston personal training team has learned a lot from helping hundreds of women use their monthly hormonal shifts to their advantage in order to optimize their workouts, increase their strength, and reach their health and fitness goals.

Here’s what you should know…


The follicular phase lasts from the day you get your period until the day you ovulate.

During this time, your testosterone levels are higher which sets the stage for greater potential increases in strength and muscle gain.

With this in mind, the follicular phase is a prime time for your heavier strength training workouts.


Estrogen, FSH, and LH levels all peak during the ovulation phase.

High intensity interval training (HIIT) is a great choice during this time-frame.

Because higher estrogen levels may make you slightly more prone to knee injuries, prioritize a thorough dynamic warm-up before each training session (as always).


The luteal phase lasts from the day after you ovulate until the day you start your period.

Due to increases in body temperature, you may find that you fatigue quicker and workout performance may decline.

Focus on getting extra sleep and scheduling brief workouts which are less intense and more mobility-oriented.

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