Insights, Tips, and Stories to Elevate Your Fitness Journey.
How to Take Your Chin-Up Technique to the Next Level
Chin-ups can be one of the most challenging exercises to master but, by focusing on a few key areas, they can become a [...]
Amazing Weight Loss Success Story-Bobby Kelly
Take a L👀K…and help us celebrate our AUMie Bobby Kelly’s incredible weight loss success story. In less than five months, Bobby completely transformed his [...]
The Most Important Nutrition Principles You’ll Ever Need
My recovery from a major jaw surgery as a college student shaped my belief that the more nutrient dense foods we eat, the [...]
How To Perfect Your Dumbbell Row
One of the most popular exercises for training your back is the dumbbell row. It’s also one of the exercises most commonly performed [...]
Try THIS Unconventional Full-Body Kettlebell Exercise
Looking for a new exercise to mix up your workout routine? Try this 🔥🔥🔥 exercise demonstrated by Boston personal trainer Nicole Steinberg and [...]
Amazing Weight Loss Success Story-Cate Haws
If you’ve ever felt that you’re too old to transform your body, you’ll want to read this story and watch the video below. [...]