Reverse The Adverse Effects Of Sitting With THIS AUMazing Mobility Move

Reverse The Adverse Effects Of Sitting With THIS AUMazing Mobility Move

Let’s face it…most of us spend more time sitting than ever before.

Research suggests that the average American spends between 8-12 hours per day sitting.

This can wreak havoc on our bodies…from poor posture, neck and shoulder discomfort, excessively tight hips, weak gluteal muscles, and even chronic back pain.

Luckily, there are exercises that can help to counteract the adverse effects of sitting and spending too much time in a forward flexion position.

One move that our personal training team frequently includes in our clients’ dynamic warm-ups is called the Reverse tabletop.

It is a yoga posture that, in Sanskrit, is called “Ardha Purvottanasana” (ARD-uh PUR-voh-tun-AHS-uh-nuh), which means “Half Intense East Stretch.”

Because this move opens your shoulders, chest, and spine, It invigorates your body and is incredibly effective in relieving stress, tension, and fatigue.

In this video, Boston personal trainer Erika Zewiey demonstrates proper technique.

Personal Trainer Tips

Do not drop your head back if you experience discomfort or pain in your neck. Instead, tuck your chin slightly toward your chest.

Also, if you experience pain or discomfort in your wrists, point your fingers in the opposite direction or make fists with your hands.


Our Boston personal trainers recommend that you consult with your doctor before practicing Reverse Table Top if you have carpal tunnel syndrome, or a neck, shoulder, or wrist injury.

Next Steps

If you’re medically cleared to exercise and you’d like to receive personalized support in reaching your goals, our personal training team is here to guide you every step of the way.

Complete this brief online form and one of our expert trainers will reach out to schedule your complimentary fitness consultation.

One-on-one personal training sessions are available at our Boston fitness studio, or in a virtual format.

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