Get An AUMazing Full-Body Workout with These Unique Foam Roller Exercises

Get An AUMazing Full-Body Workout with These Unique Foam Roller Exercises

You’ve probably used a foam roller at some point to relieve muscle tension, but have you ever incorporated one into your regular workouts?

If not, you’re missing out on a versatile piece of fitness equipment that, due to it’s round, unstable design, can challenge and strengthen your body in unique ways.

My Boston personal trainer team and I recommend that all of our personal training clients invest in a foam roller so that, when they aren’t working out at our fitness center, they can not only roll out tight spots, but also exercise in the comfort of their own home.

We’ve rounded up four of our favorite foam roller strength moves for you to begin adding to your fitness routine.

Let’s get rolling . . .

1. Foam Roller Saw Plank

If you can hold a standard plank for 60 seconds with good form, it shows that you have solid core stability.  You can then begin progressing to plank variations that introduce more instability, like the foam roller saw plank, in order to challenge your core to work even harder.  If you don’t own a foam roller, you can use val-slides, furniture sliders, or just a towel on a wooden floor.

Place your forearms on the foam roller and get into low plank position with your body forming a straight line from your ankles to your head.  Roll the foam roller forward a few inches, contract your abdominal muscles, then pull your forearms back to the original position.  Keep the rest of your body completely still.  You can complete these on your knees if this version is too difficult.  The sawing motion forces you to stabilize your core muscles while your arms move.  Resisting movement is the true function of your core musculature. Benefits include improved posture and a healthier back.

2. Foam Roller Leg Curls.

Lie face-up with palms facing down and foam roller under feet. Lift hips into a bridge position so hips, knees, and heels are in line. With control, slowly rock foam roller forward until your legs are completely straight.  Keeping your glute muscles squeezed, use your hamstrings to bring your heels toward your butt and pull foam roller back to starting position.   This exercise will strengthen your abdominal muscles, and all the major muscles of your backside including your glutes, hamstrings, and calves.

3. Foam Roller Posterior Plank with Alternating Knee Tucks.

You’ll need to really push into the foam roller with your palms and lift your hips up toward the ceiling by squeezing your glute muscles.  Contract your abs as you bring your knee toward your chest.  Unlike your typical versions of the plank, this exercise will challenge under-utilized muscles including your lower back, obliques, glutes and hamstrings in a completely unique way.

4. Foam Roller Tight Grip Pushups.

Keep your hips in line with the back of your head, engage your core, stay tall on your toes, and squeeze your shoulder blades together as you slowly lower down.  Push the foam roller down into the floor as you return to the starting position.  The unstable surface of the foam roller will challenge your core in a whole new way while also helping to improve your shoulder health by strengthening the muscles of your rotator cuff.

Aim to complete 6-8 reps of each exercise with good form.

We hope this post gives you some creative new ideas for your workouts.

Share with a friend and let us know which exercise you like best.

If you’d like more detailed instruction and private personal training to help you reach your fitness and weight loss goals, our team of Boston personal trainers are here to support you every step of the way.

Send us a message through the join page of our website and we’ll schedule a complimentary strategy session to get you started.

Until next time, have an AUMazing day!

-Coach Chris

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