5 AUMazing Age Defying Products For Glowing Skin & Healthy Hair
5 AUMazing Age Defying Products For Glowing Skin & Healthy Hair
Too often, people try to solve their skin issues by using products that contain harsh, hard-to-pronounce chemicals and ingredients that are detrimental to your health.
At Aum, we believe that beauty starts within. We view skin and hair care through a holistic lens that focuses on how you feed and nourish your body. This means aiming to get the majority of your nutrients, vitamins, and minerals from the healthy food you eat.
The challenge: We’re all busy and achieving optimal levels through food alone can be difficult despite your best intentions.
collagen is an essential protein that provides elasticity to the skin, helping it to appear more youthful and healthy.
Vitamins and supplements help bridge the gap to ensure you meet your body’s needs and restore the natural health and beauty of your hair and skin.
Over the past few years, my wife (who has chemical sensitivities and can only handle the most hypoallergenic of substances) and I have been searching for the best all-natural ingredients.
My Boston personal trainer team and I recommend them at our private fitness and wellness center to help our clients rejuvenate their hair and skin, and provide them with a more youthful appearance.
As we age, collagen production declines, and fine lines, loose skin, and dryness can occur.
Top 5 AUMazing Age Defying Products For Glowing Skin, and Healthy Hair.
1. Collagen
Collagen is the most abundant protein in the body and helps give structure to your hair, skin, nails, bones, among other things. It plays a crucial role in keeping your skin supple and toned. Unfortunately, our bodies’ collagen production slows with age. In fact, research has shown that collagen production decreases by roughly one percent each year after the age of twenty. So by the time you’re 50 years old, your production of collagen is only 70 percent of what it was when you were in your teens. Whoa!
To make matters worse, our modern diet today contains minimal collagen. As a result, your need for collagen is greater than ever before. Brittle nails, thinning hair, and dull skin are signs that your body needs support from the inside out. Supplementing with collagen helps restore your skin’s moisture and improves its’ elasticity, tone and vibrancy while adding volume to your hair. Add 2 scoops of Collagen Peptide powder to your morning super smoothie and enjoy the benefits.
2. Probiotics
All the healthiest, most nutrient-dense foods in the world won’t benefit you if your digestion isn’t functioning optimally. An ancient Ayurvedic secret tells us that it is actually the strength of our digestion which is the key to maintaining healthy, glowing skin. When you improve your gut health, skin issues often resolve as well. Consider taking a research-based probiotic supplement that contains at least 15 billion CFU-colony forming units. It’s also a good idea to begin consuming probiotic-rich food (fermented veggies like kimchi and sauerkraut are a good start) to your healthy food plan to increase the amount of healthy bacteria in your gut. They can help boost collagen production, improve the hydration of your skin, and strengthen the quality of your hair.
3. Fish Oil
Essential fatty acids (EFAs) from fish and other sources help prevent dry skin and premature aging. They work by assisting cells to stay fluid and flexible, allowing nutrients to enter the cells and wastes to exit them. Fish oils help control inflammation and the overproduction of sebum, which can reduce acne breakouts. Omega-3s may also boost the shine in your hair and keep your tender scalp from flaking. A study published in September 2017 in the journal Biochimica et Biophysica Acta found that dietary supplementation with fish oil — filled with omega 3 fatty acids — could have therapeutic value in many inflammatory skin conditions. We recommend taking 2-3 grams (with food) each day.
fish oil, rich in Omega 3 fatty acids plays an essential role in both the structure and appearance of the skin.
4. Zinc
You may be surprised to learn that zinc is a trace mineral found in relatively high concentrations in your skin. Zinc is an AUMazing skin strengthener and wound healer due to many processes Zinc is involved in, including collagen production. Zinc also has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, which help protect your skin cells from damage. This is essential for maintaining a youthful glow and to prevent wrinkles, fine lines, and age spots. Zinc reduces the production of dihydrotestosterone (DHT)—which can clog pores and increase pimple-causing inflammation. Divide your daily intake into two 15 mg doses, since too much zinc at one time may upset your stomach.
5. Vitamin C
Vitamin C is widely known for its immune boosting properties, but it also plays a critical role in your body’s production of collagen. Inadequate intake of vitamin C can cause dry, lackluster skin. Vitamin C helps cells produce collagen fibers that not only firm skin, but also fight free radicals that accelerate aging. A study published in November 2017 in the journal Nutrients showed that vitamin C also aids in wound healing and helps to reduce inflammation. Take 1000 mg daily to improve the quality of your skin.
If you’d like more information about how you can turn back the clock to look and feel years younger, my Boston personal trainer team and I are here to help.
We offer complimentary consultations at our private personal training center on Newbury Street in Back Bay. Together we will design a personalized program to help you reach your goals. Visit our Join page to learn more.
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