Health Secrets from Around the World: Part One

Health Secrets from Around the World: Part One

Over the past few years, I’ve been fortunate to travel throughout the world to some AUMazing places where I’ve had the privilege of studying health and longevity secrets of several ancient cultures.

Whether it’s been practicing Ayurvedic health rituals in India or examining the nutrition habits of the legendary Incan Warriors in Peru, what I’ve discovered has transformed the way that I eat and exercise.

These practices have helped me so much that my Boston personal trainer team and I use many of them at our wellness center to enable our clients to reach their health, fitness, and weight loss goals.

Whether you’d like to experience more energy, increase your strength, burn belly fat, or boost metabolism, I’m excited to share these transformative health “secrets” with you so you too can experience the remarkable benefits that they offer. Part one of the three-part series of health secrets focuses on India and the benefits of turmeric, curry, and curcumin.


During my time in India, I developed a deep appreciation for the healing properties of spices like turmeric or turmeric supplements. Found in a large percentage of Indian meals, curry powder (which contains turmeric) has been used in Ayurvedic medicine for thousands of years and new research is suggesting that turmeric benefits may help prevent Alzheimer’s disease because of its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory action and immune-boosting properties—all of which may contribute to block or even eliminate plaque from the brain. It’s not surprising that one of the lowest rates of Alzheimer’s ever reported was found in northern India.

Curcumin also appears to be a potent fat fighter. A recent Tufts University study found that mice fed a high-fat diet with small amounts of curcumin gained less weight than did other mice following a similar diet but with curcumin-free meals. Researchers think curcumin may suppress the growth of fat tissue and boost metabolism.

Healthy Tip: Begin incorporating more vegetable and fish curry dishes into your healthy food and weight loss plan — at least a couple times per week, focusing on going heavy on the turmeric.

If you’d like to learn more about how you can build healthy habits for life, we’d love to serve you. Schedule your complimentary strategy session with one of our expert Boston personal trainers and start your health journey today.

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